Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Week 38

Leek (length)

19.5 inches, about 6.8 lbs

Baby Changes (Source:
At this point it's basically the same... he's ready for the outside world, just getting fatter the longer he's in there!

Best Moment this Week
We had a fun Labor Day Weekend (see below). On Monday, we took Elliot to the Wildlife Ranch where you drive through & see lots of exotic animals. Some of them come up to your car, knowing they will get fed, which can be hilarious! It scared Elliot though when they got super close. There is also a petting zoo & some caged animals in one area. He loved the deer (& anything that looked like a deer) & the monkeys. We then went to a local Mexican food place, then that afternoon went to Academy & then out to Chinese food with Tyler & Kelsy & Bethany. It was a very fun weekend!

BOY! Jack Wesley.

Same... he moves every now & then, but for the most part seems pretty squished in there.

Food Craving
I wouldn't say I've had any cravings lately.

I'm still sleeping okay, with the exception of a couple nights a week probably. So, pretty good really, compared to last time. It is uncomfortable to switch sides because I feel so big, & usually the movement causes a contraction.

What I am looking forward to
Jack coming! I'm feeling quite impatient. A couple of weeks feels like forever!!

Braxton Hicks/cramping in the front & in my back/contractions, fatigue, easily upset stomach.

To Do - NOTHING! We are ready for you, little man!
-Finish Elliot's room (buy bookcase, buy lamp, make up top bunk, move in his clothes/books/toys)
-Move Elliot to new room - he's done great!
-Get out baby clothes, burp rags, etc. & wash
-Wash newborn diapers
-Raise crib & attach mobile
-Fill out hospital pre-admittance paperwork
-Print birth plan & get signed by midwives
-Pack hospital bag including getting postpartum supplies ready
-Put together pack-n-play in bedroom
-Put together swing & bouncer
-Install infant carseat
-Check/replace necessary newborn supplies: pacis, bottles/nipples, pump parts
-Buy Elliot a big brother gift from Jack to give him at the hospital

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