Friday, March 16, 2012


How does the mom of a toddler spend the first trimester of a pregnancy?

6:30-12:00: survive
12:00-2:00: nap while toddler naps
2:00-6:00: survive until husband gets home
6:00-9:00: slowly crash (especially after toddler's bedtime)
9:00-6:30: sleep (minus some potty breaks).

Basically, not blog. Or do much of anything else that doesn't have to be done!

Now that I'm starting to feel a little better, & it's not a secret anymore, hopefully I'll be able to post every now & again. I haven't yet decided if I'm going to do the weekly pregnancy reports - if I do, it's not because I actually think anyone's necessarily interested, but just for my records.

This pregnancy has been similar & different than my first. I have the same aversion to water & coffee (though a little stronger this time - it's really hard to stay hydrated) but not peppermint (phew!); nausea during week 6 was way worse than it ever was with Elliot, but I think it has tapered off a little quicker; & instead of having to force food down my throat because everything sounds gross, this time, I get random cravings for not so great things! Chinese food, Chick-Fil-A, root beer, brie - & if I get it right when I want it, it's the most delicious thing! I didn't experience that last time for sure.

The first trimester still went by slowly (I'm not sure it's possible for it to go quickly when you feel bad & just want to know everything is okay) but I have definitely been more distracted & not as focused on being pregnant this time - I can't be! Elliot keeps me very busy. It's also a little easier this time, knowing kind of what to expect. There is also a little more acceptance of all the yucky pregnancy things because I truly know that one day I will be normal again! There is some comfort in that for sure.

We (hopefully) find out the gender in 5 weeks! I think that'll make things a little more real for me, when we are able to put a name to this baby. We think it might be a girl, & we definitely want one (Josh would be the BEST dad to a girl) but who knows! We will be good with either one since this, God willing, is not our last baby.

Elliot has been sick with a fever for the last three days. Some of the day he acts completely normal, & sometimes he gets super grumpy. It's been rough, honestly, staying at home all day for this long. He hasn't been sleeping very well, so neither have I, which is why I'm going to end this thing now & get a little shut eye before Elliot wakes up!


The Links said...

I'd be interested in weekly updates. I love following people's pregnancies!! And congrats again!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for y'all. I will be keeping you in my prayers for a safe pregnancy and balance and energy:-)

Amanda said...

Well of course we'd like to know :) But thats for you to decide! Give me a few weeks and I'll call your sweet one a girl too...maybe. I love that you are experiencing some good cravings, root beer? Yum! Keep us posted for sure!