Friday, October 15, 2010


As it turns out, this waiting thing isn't very fun. I am very thankful that my job has slowed down significantly so I have plenty of time to rest, & I know that when Elliot comes I won't need to worry about something not getting done. I'm pretty easily bored these days. I try to get out of the house every day, if just to run one errand, & my house has stayed pretty neat & clean (not spotless, because I have no desire to deep-clean my house, which is a bummer), but the days crawl. Every morning when I journal during my time with Jesus (SOAP anyone??) & I write down the date, I wonder, will I go into labor today? How does the next day sound as a birthday?

waiting, waiting...

The practice I go to does not induce before 42 weeks unless there is a medical reason to do so. So the latest Elliot will be born is November 1st (eek! hoping for October). In about a week & a half, at just over 41 weeks, I'll start the non-stress testing if he's not here yet, so they can monitor him & make sure he's still doing well in there. Other than that, the plan is to wait. Wait. Wait.

I don't do so well with this unplanned stuff, you know.

I do have a couple of things to look forward to, which helps. I am excited to head out to the pumpkin patch tomorrow. We went a couple years ago & loved walking out in the cool weather with all the pumpkins & eating caramel apples. I love fall. It's my favorite season by far.

Zac & Cara will be in on Monday, & we are excited to spend time with them before they move even further away. :-( Even if they don't get to meet Elliot, I'm glad we'll get to see them.

I do pray, though, that this time will not go by wasted. I want to suck every bit of what God has for me out of this period of waiting. I want to catch every lesson, I want to enjoy spending time with Him before I have an infant vying for my time. I am enjoying every bit of time with Josh, & I am trying to enjoy the slowness in my schedule. I don't want to wish time away. So if you pray for me, for us, pray that we will grow in this time, & take hold of the things available to us, specifically peace & joy.

Now I shall go watch the Ellen show with a caffeine-free Diet Dr. Pepper. :-)

& I'll keep waiting.

1 comment:

BrunerAbroad said...

Hmm...It's been over a week since you posted...does that mean you have a baby boy? Or just that you've been enjoying friends? Hmm...