Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Week 36

Crenshaw melon (weight) - I don't know what that is

Over 18.5 inches, about 6 lbs

Baby Changes (Source: BabyCenter.com.)
He's shedding most of the downy hair that covered his body, as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that protected his skin during his nine-month amniotic bath. He will be full term next week!

Best Moment this Week
Hmm, it's been a pretty average week with good moments & bad moments. Nothing specific. :)

BOY! Jack Wesley.

Jack has been fairly active this week (compared to usual, anyways). I believe he moved a little lower in the past couple of days, too.

Food Craving
No cravings I can think of. Food still kind of grosses me out a lot of the time.

Sleep is continuing to get more uncomfortable. I wake up a lot, & have a hard time getting back to sleep. If I'm up a while, I start to get hungry/nauseous so I have to get up & drink some apple juice in order to get back to sleep.

What I am looking forward to
We are looking to take Elliot to the circus, so that will be fun! I also have some fun dates planned with friends over the next couple of weeks.

My hip/back/foot pain has been off & on; I think the chiropractor is helping. My stomach is upset easily, not sleeping well, Braxton Hicks/cramping.

-Finish Elliot's room (buy bookcase, buy lamp, make up top bunk, move in his clothes/books/toys)
-Move Elliot to new room - he's done great!
-Get out baby clothes, burp rags, etc. & wash
-Wash newborn diapers
-Raise crib & attach mobile
-Fill out hospital pre-admittance paperwork
-Print birth plan & get signed by midwives
-Pack hospital bag including getting postpartum supplies ready - I only have a couple of items left to get together; almost done!
-Put together pack-n-play in bedroom
-Put together swing (together, but needs to be put in our room) & bouncer
-Install infant carseat
-Check/replace necessary newborn supplies: pacis, bottles/nipples, pump parts (need to be sterilized)
-Buy Elliot a big brother gift from Jack to give him at the hospital

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